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YTN 뉴스 보도자료.

데보라 김의 장구를 위한 영상악보에 대하여

2 Jan 2015.

YTN Korean News Broadcast:

Deborah Kim's Motion Graphics Score for Janggu

2 Jan 2015.


Deborah Kim hosting 2018 Korean Festival in AUSTRALIA

2018년 호주 한국의 날 사회진행을 맡은 김드보라



호주의 봄 그리고 한국의 날 축제 / The Spring of Australia and Korean Festival

article by Minha Michale Kim


<Extract from the article / 기사 중에서>

이번 축제행사 진행은 이강국(Kay Lee), 김 드보라(Deborah Kim)가 맡았다. 그들의 조화로운 진행은 행사에 참석한 관람객들에게 공연프로그램 이외의 또 다른 재미를 선사했다. 한인 1.5세대들의 멤버로 구성된 한우리 사물놀이팀을 이끄는, 김드보라는 장구퍼포먼스, 영상 그리고 전자음악이 결합된 본인의 작품 〈한:글〉 공연을 통하여 한국전통음악과 현대의 영상기술이 만나 이루어내는 아름다움과 조화로움을 관객들에게 전했다. 김드보라의 공연 전에는 그녀의 동생이며 사물놀이팀 멤버 김로이스(Lois Kim)의 〈홀로 아리랑〉 공연이 있었다.


The festival was hosted by Kay Lee and Deborah Kim. Their harmonious proceedings gave the participants other fun than the show. Kim Deborah, who leads the Korean samulnori team consisting of 1.5 generations of Koreans, performed her art combining Janggu Performance, video and electronic music and delivered Korean traditional music and modern visual arts at the Festival. Before Kim's performance, there was a performance by her younger sister, Lois Kim, a member of the Samulnori team, sang "Hollo Arirang.

Click here to read the full article / 전체 기사 읽기

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"Future Computer Music ideas come to reality." Daegu Daily (Translated to English) 


Article published on 8/Aug/218



“This Conference will be a place where we can communicate and interact with each other about computer music."

A "Hack-N-Makerthon" contest was held at the "C-Fab" (C-Fab) - Daegu Creative Economy Innovation Center, on Tuesday. 

The event, which was held for the first time in Korea, is a subsidiary of the International Computer Music Convention (ICMC), sharing information about computer software that will be applied to the music environment of the future.

World software developers, graphic designers, user interface designers and project managers participated. 

The competition was held under the theme of "Computer Music SW(Software)/HW (Hardware)" and 20 people from 10 countries including Israel, Australia, Mexico, China, Spain, participated.

The competition process will take place in a way that teams can find ideas and implement the results according to the theme given in free time of two days. 

Participating teams have come up with various ideas on computer music, such as making social robots that respond to voice, systems that communicate with each other only with sound, and navigation devices that search for music.

Participants programmed and modeled together to produce the results.

Deborah Kim (29, Sydney) from Australia said, "Our team has come up with the idea of chatting with various sounds that have been pre-determined on the computer” and "It will be a great time to meet and team up with participants from other countries and to communicate and share ideas about computer music."

Three mentors also participated in the event. 
Mentors helped the teams work together to think about and figure out the difficulties in implementing their ideas. 

"So far, I have been participating as a mentor at the Hack-N-Makerthon which took place abroad,” and “I also participated in this event being held in South Korea, thinking it is very attractive, and I think we will come up with some interesting ideas,” said Israeli-born Mentor, Revital Hollander. She added, "Mentors help teams by providing guidance on how to implement their ideas, watch their progress, and give feedbacks again."

The Hacker-N-Makerthon competition will run for two days of pitching, demonstration followed by the Hack-N-Makerthon Awards.

"This competition is an event to gather researchers' capabilities in preparing for the future world, and we are interested in how the software and hardware will play a role in producing music in the future," said Yeon Kyu-hwang, president of the Daegu Center for Creative Economy and Innovation.



Article by Jong Yun Kim (

Article from Daegu Daily:

*본 기사 저작권은 저작권자ⓒ 대구·경북 대표지역언론 대구일보 에게 있습니다. 문제가 된다면 즉시 이 게시물을 내릴 수 있습니다.

Anchor 4
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Asia-Oceania Award for "Rhythms of Rain", an energetic and eruptive composition exploring the Janggu with electronics.

국제컴퓨터음악협회에서 주관하는 2019 국제컴퓨터음악대회에서 아시아/오세니아 지역 최우수상의 영예를 안은 작곡가, 연주가 김드보라. 

​국민일보 신문 기사 보기​ (read news article 'Kukmin USA' - in Korean)

Anchor 3
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Deborah Kim on SBS Korean Radio Interview 2015-09-19


Thank you #SBSKorean and Leah Hyein Na for inviting us! 
We got to share our 5th annual project #ProjectUlssigu in Sydney and our stories of growing up, studying music and living in Sydney as 1.5 Korean-Australians. There were laughter, giggles and moments where we were all deeply moved. We were glad to have this opportunity to share stories of how we got together to put a busking performance every year to celebrate the Liberation day of our Motherland in Australia and how people responded to our performances with the Korean community in Sydney. I hope that more people regardless of their age, race and religion could join us in the future. Super proud of my team for their commitment for the last 5 years. Can't wait for the next five! 


프로젝트 얼씨구- 시드니 한우리 사물놀이 길거리 공연이 어느덧 5주년이 되었네요. 저희를 초대해주신 SBS Korean 나혜인 피디님 감사합니다~
1.5세 자녀로서 어떻게 시드니에서 한국음악과 광복절을 알리는 사물놀이 길거리 공연을 하게 되었는지 저희의 이야기를 나누고 왔어요. 스튜디오 안을 가득채웠던 웃음소리, 감동적인 순간들. 고마운 팀원들. 그동안 했었던 많은 라디오 인터뷰중 단연 가장 소중한 추억으로 남을 것 같아요. 모두 수고하셨습니다~!


Click Here to Listen / 인터뷰 듣기 클릭



Photo Courtesy of SBS Korean


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Top Woman Magazine


Deborah Kim on January 2015's Cover Story.


Through this amazing opportunity, I was able to share my story and how God has led me to find my dream through different stages of my life. Special thanks to my dad, who encouraged me not to give up but seek to discover God's vision for my life.

This is just the beginning of a great year ahead!

Click here to read the full interview:



데보라 김의 스토리가 2015년 1월 호주 탑 우먼 매거진의  커버스토리로 실렸습니다.

4년 전, 이 매거진의 커버주인공으로 나오리라 다짐했던 기억이 나네요. 지나가는 꿈도 생각도 놓치지 않고 이루게 하시는 하나님의 놀라운 섭리 가운데 이루어진 일 임에 정말 기쁩니다. 앞으로도 많은 꿈을 꾸고 그 꿈을 이루어 나가는 사람이 되도록 노력하겠습니다. 

저의 인터뷰를 읽기 원하신다면 아래링크를 클릭하세요 (한글입니다):


탑우먼 기사는 이곳에서 다운받아 보실 수 있습니다.



"For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him..." 2 Chronicles 16: 9

"여호와의 눈은 온 땅을 두루 감찰하사 전심으로 자기에게 향하는 자를 위하여 능력을 베푸시나니.." 역대하 16: 9


Photo Courtesy of "Top Woman Magazine"



Deborah Kim's Article is

Selected for the <Emille>


Deborah Kim's paper entitled:


Cognitive Sound Image: The creative compositional process involved in electroacoustic audiovisual music and motion graphics score designing 


is selected for the publication of the <Emille> vol. 12, the Journal of KEAMSAC


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


I presented my work at the KEAMSAC (Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society Annual Conference) last October at the Seoul National University and the paper that I presented got selected by the KEAMSAC committee and will be published on the Emille journal in late March, this year.

The article consists of the creative designing process of Motion Graphic Score and electroacoustic music that I composed for Janggu visual music in 2013. 


2014년 서울대학에서 있었던 한국전자음악협회 연례학술대회에서 발표한 저의 논문이 2015년 한국전자음악협회 학술지인 <에밀레> 12권에 채택되었습니다.

전세계적으로 훌륭하신 교수님들과 음악인들의 연구논문중에 한국전통음악 특별히 장구와 장구영상악보를 토대로 현대시대에 맞게 재해석한 저의 논문이 체택되어 개인적으로 뜻깊은 일입니다. 

‘한국전자음악협회 학술지 「에밀레(Emille)」 제12호’​ 

Photo Courtesy of "KEAMSAC & Emille"


 호주나라 미디어 인터뷰  Hojunara Interview

"얼씨구 좋다~! 우리 고유의 민족 타악기 장구와 영상악보라는 장치로 관객과 소통하는 데보라킴!"

13 Apr 2015.

장구를 배우기 위해 떠난 저의 장구여행 이야기 입니다.

2012년 한국으로 떠나 장구를 배우고 한국의 문화를  체험하고

시드니로 돌아와 2013년에 장구와 기호를 접목으로 한 다양한 작품을 만들어

국악을 잘 모르는 호주인들을 대상으로 작품활동 하고 있습니다.

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